Morphosis |
Kolon One & Only Tower Seoul, South Korea |
Kengo Kuma |
V&A Dundee
Dundee, Scotland U.K. |
ALlvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira |
China Museum of Design Bauhaus Collection Hangzhou, China |
Christ & Gantenbein |
Swiss National Museum Extension Zurich, Switzerland
Junya Ishigami |
Botanical Garden Art Biotop gWater Gardenh
Tochigi, Japan |
Michel Rojkind |
Foro Boca
Boca Del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico |
Treasure of Architecture |
ilanova Artigas + Carlos Cascaldi |
Architecture and Urbanism College, University of Sao Paulo (FAUUSP) Sao Paulo, Brazil |
132 total pages, 90 in color
ISBN978-4-87140-244-6 C1352
25/October/2018 Size: 300 x 257 mm Japanese and English texts
USD47.00 EUR38.00
 Including Shipping Cost by Economic Air