Frank Lloyd Wright
Jonson & Son, Administration Building
and Research Tower, Racine, Wisconsin. 1936-9
Edited and Photographed by Yukio Futagawa
Text by Arata Isozaki

Frank Lloyd Wright’s View of Space, by Arata Isozaki

P.9 Bridge connecting the Administration Building and the Research Tower
10-11 Panoramic view of the Johnson & Son Administration Building
12-13 Access to the main entrance and the parking area
14 Parking area
15 Main entrance
16 View of the multi-level lobby space from the second-floor corridor
17 View of the lobby from the office
18 Multi-level lobby
19 Ceiling of the lobby
20-21 Wide-angle view of the interior
22-23 Ceiling of the office
24 Bridge connecting the lobby and the office
25 Elevator
26-27 Ceiling of the lobby of the board room
28-29 Board room and its partition
30-31 Office on the third floor
32-33 View of the board room and part of the office from the second-floor corridor
34-35 Mess-hall
36 Research Tower
37 Interior walling of the Research Tower (detail)
38-39 Nocturnal view
40 Ceiling of the office (detail)
48 total pages
ISBN4-87140-001-8 C1352
Size : 364×257mm

Out of Print