"Eye of Yukio Futagawa," which was serialized in GA JAPAN for three years starting in 2014, has been compiled and published into a book.
This is a book that traces Yukio Futagawa's life as a publisher/ photographer/ editor as told by 17 architects, historians, and designers, along with the photographs he took.


148 pages, 257 x 364 mm
ISBN978-4-87140-696-3 C1052
Japanese text Only


Including Shipping Cost
by Economic Air

Toyo Ito

Ryoji Suzuki

Hiroshi Hara

Kazuyo Sejima

Makoto Suzuki

Kazuhiro Kojima

Osamu Ishiyama

Hiroshi Naito

Tadao Ando

Sou Fujimoto

Riken Yamamoto

Ryue Nishizawa

Gan Hosoya

Terunobu Fujimori

Kengo Kuma

Richi Miyake

Arata Isozaki
