PLOT 06 features Kengo Kuma. The book investigates the fact of his design activity and how he has been producing quality architecture so fast with more than 150 staffs.
In the introduction, Kengo Kuma told us how to manage such a big office. Reading his interview is like having the scales fall from your eyes.
At the end of each chapter, the reader will see the completed works in powerful pictures.
Various episodes at every stage and inside stories by the collaborated engineers, clients, staffs in charge are revealed. |
"Present KENGO KUMA"
Interviewer: Yoshio Futagawa
Shimonoseki City Kawatana-Onsen
Visitor Center and Folk Museum |
Schedule |
Phase 1 |
Massing Study
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Teppei Fujiwara, Takeyuki Saita |
Phase 2 |
Planning Study
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Teppei Fujiwara |
Phase 3 |
Structure Study
Speaker: Jun Sato, Teppei Fujiwara, Takeyuki Saita |
Phase 4 |
Construction Study
Speaker: Teppei Fujiwara, Takeyuki Saita |
Phase 5 |
Interior Study
Speaker: Teppei Fujiwara, Takeyuki Saita, Nahoko Terakawa |
Material |
Disharmonious harmony created by accumulated polygons
Speaker: Teppei Fujiwara, Takeyuki Saita |
of work |
Shimonoseki City Kawatana-Onsen
Visitor Center and Folk Museum
For ”Shimonoseki City Kawatana-Onsen Visitor Center and Folk Museum”, we continued closely covering huge number of internal investigation regarding massing study, planning, structure, construction, and interior.
At the stage of planning, Kengo Kuma and Associates uniquely classified the proposals into 3 types: “cave type”,“para-para type” and “meri-hari type”, and narrowed down the design.
In the part of structure, with a structural engineer Jun Sato, the investigation of various structure and construction method is introduced, such as joining method of the vertexes of the polygon, the direction of girders, and the way to set up beams.
Intelligible and attractive sketches by Jun Sato are also included. |
Aore Nagaoka |
Schedule |
Phase 1 |
Planning & Massing Study
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Minoru Yokoo, Shuji Achiha, Sayaka Mizuno, Toshiki Meijo,
Hirofumi Yamada |
Phase 2 |
Nakadoma & Mosaic Study
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Minoru Yokoo, Shuji Achiha, Toshiki Meijo,
Hirofumi Yamada, Tessei Suma |
Voice |
The space that stimulates citizensf creativitiy and
produces various new activities
Speaker: Tamio Mori / Mayor of Nagaoka City |
Phase 3 |
Detail of wooden paneln
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Shuji Achiha, Hirofumi Yamada, Tessei Suma |
Phase 4 |
Singularity produced by wooden panels
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Shuji Achiha, Hirofumi Yamada, Tessei Suma,
Takashi Taguchi, Yu Momoeda |
Structure |
Large roof that demonstrates
coupling vibration control and TMD effect
Speaker: Norihiro Ejiri |
of work |
Aore Nagaoka |
“Aore Nagaoka” was designed by the largest number of the staffs at that time.
In newly collected interview “The Voice of Staff”, vivid and real intention of the staff is reported. You will see their strenuous efforts in this large architectural firm.
Massing and planning study, structure of large roof, detail of different types of wooden panels named “Pata-Pata”, “Uroko (scale of a fish)”, “Byobu (folding screen)”, “Uzu (whirl)”....The process to hammer out the design details is exhaustively documented.
The comprehensive story of “Aore” can be enjoyed with the process table created in full cooperation with Kengo Kuma and Associates. |
Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center |
Schedule |
Phase 1 |
The process for the competition
Speaker: Kengo Kuma, Teppei Fujiwara, Masafumi Harigai, Kiyoaki Takeda |
Phase 2 |
Schematic design and design development phase
Speaker: Teppei Fujiwara, Masafumi Harigai |
Phase 3 |
Response to changes of social conditions
Speaker: Teppei Fujiwara, Masafumi Harigai |
of work |
Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center
All members of the design team were set on winning the competition of “Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center”.
This chapter traces the process for the competition, schematic design, design development, and the change of its design.
After the final proposal was submitted, actually, they were forced to redesign ”ASAKUSA” to respond to the request for reducing the building height.
It is one of the highlight to see how Kengo Kuma and Associates dealed with the negative social reaction to modern public architecture.
The backstage was bit unrefined, but dramatic and cool that they struggled to seek new type of pencil building. |
Data of works & Staff list |
272 total pages
Size: 257×182mm
ISBN978-4-87140-476-1 C1352
Japanese Text Only

Including Shipping Cost
by Economic Air